Thursday, March 31, 2011

Doctor Who - Series Six Full Length Trailer

Watch the trailer for the new series here:

Doctor Who is one of my favourite show of all time and, yes, I did get goosebumps when watching this trailer. If you are a skeptic who feels that Doctor Who is just some children's show then you are missing out on some truly amazing TV. Yes, it can be lame at times. But that's part of its charm and mostly it's full of wit, fun and a whole lot of heart. Also, a fair amount of genuine creepiness and scary-lite (can't scare the kiddies to badly)! And even though I'm a Tennant fan, Matt Smith is great! A very close second for my favourite Doctor.

Posting this trailer reminded me of something I read on Pajiba, oh gosh...nearly 2 years ago called "Spiritual Atheism: Buffy, Angel, House and Doctor Who". For fans of any of these shows it's an excellent read, and if you're an atheist who has taken the time to consider why you're an atheist and what it means to you, you'll probably enjoy it as well.

For more of your viewing pleasure, a quick mini-sode which reminded me of the "Empty Child" from Series One when Christopher Eccleston was the Doctor.

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