Tuesday, April 5, 2011


On March 21, 2011, Emma and I were in a head-on car collision near Gibbons, Alberta. We were driving to my Grandpa's place,where we were temporarily staying while our lawyers were working hard on making our condo deal was going through (it was supposed to go through on February 15th). Stupidly, we gave notice at our apartment in Oliver for the end of February (expecting that everything would go smoothly) but, alas, life loves to throw its' little curveballs to test your resolve, I suppose. Anyway, here's some photos of my busted up CR-V. Frankly, I'm surprised that we came out the way we did, as that dude totally swerved right into our lane and smashed the crap out of my vehicle. Our injuries are basically: I broke my ankle in 2 spots and tore some ligaments which required surgery and 3 months off my leg entirely plus some bruising here and there. Emma suffered a cut above her eye, a minor break on her nose, a stuck rib which produces some chest pain which she's working on with a physical therapist and generally bruised and banged up as well. I'm just glad we had airbags or Emma and I probably would not have any teeth right now. Also, I'm super impressed that the windshield remained intact, but I don't think I'll ever drive on Highway 28A ever again. Sorry, 28A our relationship is over. Highway 825 and I are now buds. I've never had any issues on that highway. Plus, the last time I travelled on you, about a week after the crash, there were other cars in the ditch and I think I was having a bit of a panic attack. Maybe one day (not too soon) we can patch up this relationship, but don't count on it. Also, it's not like you'll miss me much anyway. I rarely travelled on you as it were, and not having a car will make that even less frequent as I'll have to rent a car when visiting my parents. And I've told them that I will only visit them in non-wintery seasons or perfect driving conditions. Sorry parents, this accident has made me one hell of a paranoid driver and passenger. You've probably already noticed this with my constant wincing, and occasional shouting at other cars, "Slow down, you jerk!" *Note "jerk" is not the actual word used, as I have a the swearing abilities of Al Swearengen from Deadwood (minus all the racist bits, of course)! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe something like this actually happened to you! But way to stay positive! If you can live through this and make reference to Deadwood in your post about it, the world needs to have you in it.
