Monday, June 15, 2009

A Gay Ol' Time!

Well, since we've gotten back from our honeymoon it's been less hectic, but still quite busy. This weekend we ferret-sat Goose for Katie and Matthias. It ended up being a bloody fantastic weekend for this as it was also the same weekend as Edmonton's Pride Parade. 

Here's GOOSEY!

And here's queers on floats!

And queens in the streets!

And Linda Duncan blowing my wife a kiss! Oi, that's my woman, Duncan! Heh.

Pride week festivities are happening all week, and we plan to go to a cabaret at Play once we've gourged ourselves at the Father's Day Buffet at Padmanadi


  1. we's a'comin' to that there buffet, lady.

    and woo for you guys being the only people i deem qualified to look after goose.

    crap, father's day. thanks for the reminder ...

  2. Yay! Buffet! Then cabaret?

    We always have so much fun looking after Goose - we may steal that ferret come whatever month we move out East... or we could get our own, I suppose.

    Also, GAH! I don't have a present for my dad yet! Suggestions? He's so impossible to buy for. Maybe a mixed tape. He like the Hidden Cameras and Neko Case.
