Sunday, June 14, 2009

Honeymoon - Day 4

We woke up far too early to head to Banff. 8:30 AM early. Ugh. Despite waking up so early we didn't make it to Banff until 1pm. That free internet is so enticing. Once we arrived it was time for lunch. We headed over to Wild Flour first. Unfortunately, all of their food was pre-made and everything had cheese or some sort of diary product on it, and since I didn't want to spend the rest of the trip holding Emma's hair while she vomited we went to Nourish Vegetarian Bistro and Tea House. It was a lot pricier but worth it. 

After lunch we hopped on the gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain. I say "hopped" like it was no big deal when, in fact, we were terrified and thought with every little bump that we were going to die. See picture below for my "I'm not terrified - this is fun, I swear" look. 

We trekked to the very top of that damn mountain, once we were out of that god forsaken gondola just to avoid the ride down the mountain. We were followed by some awesome Australians who kept calling all of the chipmunks "turkeys". "Get back here you little turkeys!" is what they kept saying. They were trying to get a decent shot of them all. Here's my picture of one of those damn turkeys.

Once we arrived back at our rented condo, we had a very long nap before heading out to Tubby Dog. We both had the Not Dog with various topping. I did get mine with some cheese, and we shared a whack of yam fries. As a heads up for anyone who goes to Tubby Dog: the put a lot of toppings on the dogs, and if you order yam fries it comes on a fricken' lunch tray! Two or three people can share one order. I was so damn full that I didn't eat breakfast the next morning.


  1. my friend krista in newfoundland calls everything a turkey ... mostly it applies to cute things. for example, she has called matthias and i turkeys. oh, and on a recent photo of us she commented and called us turnips! but i think it was in a good way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Turnips and turkeys, I love it! Although, I don't think I can adopt it because I'd need a kickass accent to make it sound cool.
